Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Kiss in the Morning

When your partner leaves you, don´t forget to say goodbye. It´s easy to get into the habit of walking out the door, but that last minute reminder that you do care will often carry subconsciously through the day. Give that last smile and kiss before the other parts of life take over.

Mutually beneficial relationship

So what exactly is a “Mutually beneficial relationship?” A Mutually beneficial relationship is when someone you get to have sex with, no strings attached. There’s no expensive dinners, no roses and no being home on time required. It is a Mutually beneficial relationship with a friend or acquaintance where you don’t get to take them out on a date, but you do get to call them at 1 a.m. when the bar closes to see if they want to hook up.

How do I get a Mutually beneficial relationship?

Mutually beneficial relationship are sometimes very hard to find. This is because it takes an open and sexual person who is in a particular stage of their life to be up for it. You get to have a Mutually beneficial relationship by asking for it indirectly -- subtlety is the key.

What your partner want to say while kissing

Kiss on the hand - I adore you.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the chin - You are cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tips To Avoid Pregnancy
  • Condoms are considered to be safe; 98-99% over a year of 'perfect use'. So, if 100 couples use a condom for 5 years, one in 15 will get pregnant anyway. Out of 10 million couples using the condom THREE QUARTERS of a MILLION will still get pregnant. Gives another dimension to 99% safe doesn't it? Use the condom in combination with spermicidal jelly to be extra safe!
  • Check expiration date and check to see that the package is intact before use on all contraception you use.
  • Store condoms in a cool, dry place because condoms exposed to air, heat and light are more likely to break. Don't keep condoms in a billfold, back pocket or glove compartment for an extended period of time. This can cause condom deterioration and breakage as well.
  • Proper usage can increase a condom's protection. Avoid sharp objects, fingernails and air bubbles. Be sure there is plenty of lubrication to avoid rupture of the condom.
  • Alcohol and other drugs lower inhibitions, seriously affecting judgement and can lead to unsafe sex.
  • If a condom breaks, immediate withdrawal is recommended. A new condom can then be used. To reduce the risk of pregnancy, a woman can immediately insert two applications of spermicide into the vagina.
  • If you feel uncomfortable discussing sex and birth control with your partner, then you shouldn't be having sex! Be straightforward and talk about sex beforehand so both partners know what to expect
  • Some birth control methods like the Pill take time to become effective, so it helps to decide beforehand if this is the contraception for you.
  • If you will be using the pill or other forms of birth control, make sure to use them properly. Ask your doctor to thoroughly explain the correct way of using the birth control. Do not ever skip a dose or change without your doctor's advice. Doing so can actually increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Know your fertile days. There is usually a small time frame each month that a woman is most fertile. Avoid having unprotected sex during that time. This method is like others-not 100% reliable. You should always use protection if you do not intend to get pregnant.
  • Above all else, if you seriously are not ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child you should reconsider having sex. There are plenty of other ways to show affection towards your partner than having sexual intercourse.
  • NEVER rely on the "pull out" method or breastfeeding as a means of birth control.

The Top 5 Erogenous Zones of a Female

The top 5 female erogenous zones

The neck

Apart from being sexy and attractive, the female neck is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of her body. Softly kissing this area from her shoulder to below her ear (while at the same time massaging it with your tongue will send tingles and pulses up and down her spine. Keep at it and she will be breathing heavily in a very short period of time.

The ear lobes

Sucking ear lobes isn't for everyone. Some girls get the tickles when you do it but others simply adore it. While you're there you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Close facial contact is what she likes so this is a good way to do it if you're fed up with kissing on the lips. Also massaging her ear lobes with your fingers from time to time can be very soothing.

The nipples

On a par with the neck for sensitivity, the female nipples become hard and sit up right when stimulated with your tongue. Don't forget to give both breasts even attention and also kiss down in between her breasts as you work your way between both of them. If she hasn't grabbed your head by this stage and held it into her bosom, something's badly wrong.

The belly button

Working your way down her body, the belly button is another area you should stimulate before full intercourse. Kissing this area with your lips and tongue will cause vibrations that will vibrate through her reproductive area and begin to stimulate her G spot.

The G Spot

Ah the G spot. This holy grail legend of the female anatomy can be tricky to find. So if the chance arises, ask her if she has already found her G spot and let her point you in the right direction.

As a general guide, most female G spots can be found on the roof of the vagina (that's the side closest to her stomach.). It's about the size and shape of a 2 pence coin and can be found about 4 inches in.

Will she bleed? Will it be painful?

I got some from teenagers that they are afraid from their wedding night due to this fear so i decided to write a post on this topic.
When a woman loses her virginity, it is possible for it to be a little bloody or painful. However, it shouldn't last for too long, and it is almost never very serious. To make things easier, make sure there's plenty of foreplay before you try penetration. You'll also want to have a good lubricant. I recommend Even if you use a lubricated condom, you'll want to use extra lube. And, if you're afraid of bleeding on the hotel sheets, bring a towel with you, or your own sheets.

Your sleeping position actually say about you

Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service analysed six common sleeping positions - and found that each is linked to a particular personality type.

Your sleeping position

What your sleeping position says about you ...


Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.


Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.


People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.


Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.


Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.


Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.

The remainder of those in the poll said the position they fell asleep varied or did not know.

Professor Idzikowski also examined the effect of various sleeping positions on health. He concluded that the freefall position was good for digestion, while the starfish and soldier positions were more likely to lead to snoring and a bad night's sleep.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Love position according to your sign.

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Doggy Style

Doggy Style Position
How to do it:

You kneel on all fours; he stands behind you and penetrates, holding your hips to move you back and forth. Vary the technique by lying facedown, flat on the bed, with your legs spread apart while he lies on top of you and penetrates from behind. If you’re feeling adventurous, try it standing up with him standing behind you and penetrating. Then, lean forward until your hands touch the floor. If it feels like he’s penetrating too deeply, lift your bottom.

good sex position if you are very pregnant

The woman is on the bed, but her legs are off to one side, and the man is on his knees, in between her legs. Since she might not be tall enough to reach the floor comfortably, she can place one or both feet on a chair off to the side to give her stability. This position allows intercourse without putting any pressure on her belly, and at the same time the man can reach her clitoris to give her further stimulation. While it is designed for pregnant couples, it can also be quite pleasurable even if the woman is not pregnant.

"Manual Sex" Secrets

Want to be more confident when you, er, take matters into your own hands? These "manual sex" techniques (my editor won't let me say hand job) will make him want to give you a round of applause ‑- not to mention return the favor.

Pick Your Position

Are you left-handed or right-handed? Which is your "best" side? All too often, women try to deliver the goods in a position that feels uncomfortable or unnatural. You are allowed to move, you know! Simply roll over on top of him or straddle his lap, plant a long, slow, delicious kiss, then climb off to the side that suits you. Don't be scared to deviate from the usual side-by-side position either. Try him standing in front of you while you sit on the edge of a bed or lie on your back while he hovers above you straddling your tummy.

Use the Slippery Stuff

Women have (rather handy) built-in lubrication systems, but men don't. So when they masturbate, they use lubrication such as moisturizing lotion. A dry penis is a sensitive one; it likes gentle stroking. Sliding your hand up and down the shaft ‑- the standard male masturbation technique ‑- can feel more like a vicious yank than an erotic escapade when done without lube. Saliva is better than nothing, but clever girls come prepared with good-quality personal lubricant. He'll be pleased, not turned off, when he sees the tube, so don't feel remotely embarrassed squeezing some into your palm. But don't use too much; being too generous removes friction entirely.

Women over 40

A woman over 40 will not lay next to you in bed and ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.

If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Kissing Explained

A first kiss should always be done while the two of you are alone. This will help to avoid any unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations.
The best type of kiss is one that uses different variations...
such as starting with a small kiss, working into a French Kiss, maybe sucking on your partner's upper or lower lip...
Stand close to your partner. As the two of you move closer together tilt your head slightly. If you can see which way your partner's head is tilting, tilt your head slightly in the opposite direction.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Male Contraceptive pills

male contraceptive pill has been in the works for more than three decades now. What's taking so long? Well, from a scientific standpoint, a male pill is much more difficult to develop than the female version. After all, to achieve birth control in a woman, one only need block one egg a month. To do the same in a man would require shutting down each and every of the roughly 100 million sperm that are produced a day. Furthermore, this high degree of effectiveness would have to be achieved with minimal side effects.

In spite of such obstacles, the pharmaceutical industry has been pursuing a male contraceptive aggressively in recent years, driven by the knowledge that men account for nearly a third of the market (even though women have a much wider range of options).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Learn the art of Foreplay

Learn foreplay tips and read new foreplay techniques. Includes all kinds of bedroom ideas to try on your partner.

Basic Foreplay

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There's a million different ways you can foreplay. Here we'll give you some basic ideas, but invent your own. Let your imagination run wild.

Talking / seduction
Unless you have magical powers of silent seduction, chances are sex will begin with some kind of conversation. You can discuss the things you like about each other, the qualities you like or some nice things they've done in the past. You can talk about what you'd like to do, or discuss some fantasy you could have together - imagine yourselves as strangers meeting on a tropical island and how and where you'd get together for some hot beach sex. Take turns directing the story and see how long you can hold out. For more on talking see foreplay talk below.

Never underestimate the power of the kiss. A deep, passionate kiss can work wonders for blood flow. And deep doesn't have to mean deep tonguing, just deep and passionate. Save the tongue bath for the clitoris. Look deep into her eyes, run your fingers through her hair and down across her cheeks. Also don't just do this before sex. Do it any time, in the middle of the day, on the bus, when you're saying goodbye. If you only kiss passionately when you want sex, your partner may see kissing as a signal that you just want sex, not kissing.
Spend a lot of time exploring kissing - nipping at lips and tongue, cheeks, earlobes, neck, fingers, hands, toes, the whole body.

Which is a great way to lead to:

Probably the best way to lead from foreplay to sex. Give your partner a long, soothing, gentle, all over body massage and you'll both be yearning for sex.
Concentrate on the back, neck and shoulders. As well as using your hands to soothingly caress these areas, lay down lots of kisses in between. For seriously good massaging, use massage oil, scented with your favourite fragrance. Its also fantastic for soothing aching muscles and keeping your body feeling good.
Stay away from genital areas initially. Massage the whole body, brush near the genitals if you like, but don't touch them yet. You want to tease, tease, tease:


Sometimes a quickie can be great, but generally, the more time you spend foreplaying, teasing, and not touching any genital area, the more fantastic the sex will be. Think of it like winding up a spring. The more you wind it up, the more spring you're going to get out of it.
Say you're the woman and you want to tease your male partner. Spend a lot of time hugging and caressing his body, all over. Move close around his hips, legs, inner thighs. Brush over his penis but don't touch it. Go really close but don't touch! If he tries to drag your hands onto his penis, bat his hands away. Then keep going, teasing and teasing until you both can't stand it anymore. When you finally do touch him it'll be far more exciting for both of you.

For guys, use the same thing for your female partner. For instance, if you're planning on stroking her clitoris, the more time you spend caressing, massaging her whole body without touching her clit, the bigger the orgasm is going to be when you finally do touch her clit. Tease, tease, tease. Run your hands close to her clit and vagina but don't touch them directly. Do this for as long as you can. If she begs you to touch her clit or tries to drag your hand down there, don't. Don't give in. Tease her more.
So, here's a breakdown:

  • foreplay, kiss, caress, massage
  • brush your hands near her clit / labia / vagina but don't touch them directly
  • massage hips, inner thighs, belly
  • keep doing this for some time
  • if she begs you to touch her clit, don't
  • don't give in
  • if she tries to drag your hand onto her clit, don't
  • keep teasing and teasing and teasing
  • finally, after lots of teasing, start stroking her clit

Every moment you delay contact with her clit makes her more aroused. The more you tease, the more worked up she'll be, the more her genital area will fill with blood, and the bigger her orgasm will be. More teasing = bigger orgasm

Blondes or brunettes?Who is Best In Bed? Both are not ?

It's one of those age-old questions we men never get tired of asking: Blondes or brunettes? However, we often forget that third party that's always lurking in the background, yet now redheads have suddenly been thrust into the sexual limelight. That's right; blondes may have more fun, but redheads are having more sex.

Gingers seem to be men's least favorite, despite the fact that hotties like Isla Fisher, Lindsay LohanKate Walsh all sport red tops. Now that a study conducted by a Hamburg sex researcher has proven that redheads are, in fact, the most promiscuous of them all, we have to ask: Have you ever slept with a redhead? If so, how did she perform? And if not, would you like to?

Top 10 Places You're Making Love

These are some places where you can make love to your partner.

The most commonly citied locations where couples say they've been getting it on at are:

10. In the shower.

9. On the hood of a car.

8. On a pool table.

7. In a department store fitting room.

6. In the back of a truck outdoors.

5. In an elevator.

4. On a trampoline.

3. In a car in the woods.

2. At your office after hours.

1. In a hot tub.

3 min is enough to satisfy women?

When it comes to love making or, how long is enough for you? Well, according to a recent study by sex therapists that will be published in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 3 to 13 minutes is the optimal amount of time women need in order to be satisfied in bed. However, don't get too excited -- this doesn't include foreplay time.

These sexperts also determined that one- to two-minute sex is indeed too short (and no, these sex therapists weren't all women). What do you think -- would three minutes of sex be enough to satisfy you?

Proven bedroom tips

These are some top bedroom tips for men and women.

# Share your deepest fantasies with each other.
# Kiss with your eyes open..
# Extend your foreplay time... considerably.
# Play truth or dare but keep your questions steered towards the topic at hand.
# Make love by only candlelight.
# Try ice...
# Spend $100 on lingerie.
# Take a bath or shower together.
# Write a sensual love story about you and your partner. Leave it for them to read.
# Use whipped cream...
# Stay the night at a hotel with a hot tub.
# Make it a point to touch every inch of your lover's body.
# Learn more about aphrodisiacs.
# Give your love a sensual massage.
# Buy a few love making technique books and read them together.
# Compliment your love on how they look and while making love.

1. Do a strip dance for them.
2. Spend a day teasing your partner.
3. Make love somewhere other than your home.
4. Experiment with different types of kisses.
5. When your love comes home, take control and make love to them right there.
6. Share a bottle of champagne while laying on blanket in your backyard looking at the stars.
7. Wash your partner.
8. Leave hidden sensually, teasing notes where they will find them.
9. Experiment with food during foreplay.
10. Kiss every part of their body.
11. Christen each room by making love in a new room every night.
12. Try one new thing in the bedroom a week.
13. Pick up your lover wearing only a trench coat.
14. Fix your hair, makeup, etc. Go to bed with only a pair of high heels on.